
Temptation Island Season 5 Episode 3 Recap: 10 Biggest Reveals – TheFantasyTimes

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By Jitin Gambhir

Temptation Island Season 5 Episode 3 Recap: 10 Biggest Reveals

Temptation Island season 5 episode 3, titled “If There Were No Cameras…”, provided viewers with a more in-depth glimpse into the budding relationships among the contestants, while also setting the stage for the highly anticipated bonfires, where shocking revelations would be unveiled. Throughout the initial episodes of this season, the participants, who entered the experience as couples, have attempted to detach themselves from their original relationships. The men have been paired with single women, and vice versa, allowing them all to form new connections. However, the potential for temptation has been ever-present, and now more than ever.

In the latest episode, the focus was on the new connections that have formed within the villas. Paris Pedro and Tahjicc Smith, as well as Rob Maldonado and Desiree Almedia, were prominently featured. Although not all connections have been successful, such as Great Ezihie’s pursuits, the contestants have remained open and honest with one another throughout the process, taking Temptation Island seriously.

Mark L. Walberg, the host of the series, made a surprise appearance towards the end of the episode, shaking things up by inviting the coupled contestants to private bonfires where tensions would reach their peak.

The episode began with the women discussing their recent dates in the villa. Paris shared her experience of going on a date with Kristian Barbarich during the previous episode. She expressed that the date had been wonderful and left her questioning her current relationship. Paris was curious to explore other connections within the villa and discussed her options with the other women. The support among the women has proven invaluable in navigating the Temptation Island process.

The episode also highlighted the new connections being formed in both the guys’ and girls’ villas. Paris mustered up the courage to ask Tahjicc out, testing the chemistry between them. Marisela Figueroa, who arrived in a relationship with Christopher Wells, asked Sebastian Baraza on her next date. In the guys’ villa, Rob initially asked Tia Hairston out but ultimately realized his interest lay with Desiree. However, Rob had to address the situation with Tia before proceeding further.

Nafeesah Terry, who has expressed interest in Great from the beginning, was taken aback when she learned that he asked Tamie Lawson out on a date. Nafeesah confronted Great, expressing her confusion and accusing him of playing games. She made it clear that she would not wait for him to come to her.

During Hall and Makayla’s second date, their conversation took a serious turn as Hall inquired about Makayla’s future plans. Although Hall is engaged to Kaitlin Tufts, it is evident that he has been swayed by the allure of Temptation Island and his connection with Makayla. Hall and Makayla discussed their desire to have children, and Makayla emotionally expressed her readiness to settle down and start a family.

The guys’ villa hosted a wild party, with both the guys and single women shedding inhibitions and dressing minimally. The strength of various connections became apparent during the party. Hall and Makayla remained solely interested in each other, while Great seemed torn between Tamie and Nafeesah. Christopher, who had not shown much interest in other women, was seen getting along well with Abby Bryan.

Rob had initially chosen to go on a date with Tia but soon realized his greater interest in Desiree. However, Desiree, considering Tia her close friend, insisted that Rob communicate his change of heart to Tia before proceeding. Rob awkwardly confronted Tia with Desiree present but eventually had a private conversation with her to sort things out. He made it clear that his focus was solely on Desiree.

Hall expressed his doubts about his future with Kaitlin during a private conversation with the guys, and later with Makayla. While Hall and Kaitlin joined Temptation Island to address Kaitlin’s doubts, Hall admitted to feeling uncertain after meeting Makayla and connecting with her. He questioned whether Kaitlin’s desire for children was primarily for him rather than for herself. Makayla’s openness about wanting children made Hall question his relationship with Kaitlin. Hall acknowledged that he had anticipated this outcome when they decided to participate in Temptation Island, as he was initially hesitant to do so. He explained that while he understood Kaitlin’s reservations, his certainty about their future had waned.


The first bonfires proved to be nerve-wracking for the contestants. Mark interrupted the morning in the girls’ villa to inform them about the upcoming bonfire and give them time to prepare. The bonfires provide an opportunity for the guys and girls to view clips of their partners in the other villa, allowing them to assess their own emotions and discuss how they want to proceed on Temptation Island.

The women’s bonfire was particularly emotional, with several shocking moments. Kaitlin witnessed Hall expressing his doubts to the guys and later to Makayla. She had previously seen Hall asking Makayla on a date, so this further interaction was concerning. Paris watched footage of Great stating that he didn’t want to focus on her or their relationship, along with scenes of him dancing with other women. She broke down, feeling insecure and unsafe in her relationship with Great. Vanessa Valente observed footage of Rob’s breakdown from the previous episode, along with his uncertain comments about their future together. Vanessa, already prone to anger, was hurt by his words and immediately withdrew emotionally. She refused to discuss her feelings about the footage.

Temptation Island season 5 episode 3, “If There Were No Cameras…” gave viewers a better look at the relationships blossoming between the contestants, while setting the stage for the bonfires, where the most jaw-dropping information would be shared. Throughout the first several episodes of Temptation Island season 5, the contestants who came into the experience coupled up with partners who’d done their best to disengage from their original relationships. The paired up men are living with the single women, and vice versa, which has allowed them all to make new connections together. Still, the possibilities of temptation have been lurking around every corner, and seem more likely than ever.

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While Hall Toledano’s relationship with Makayla Halstead has started to heat up, the new connections made within the villas (between Paris Pedro and Tahjicc Smith, as well as Rob Maldonado and Desiree Almedia) were featured heavily in the most recent episode. Though not every connection seems to be working out, like the relationships that Great Ezihie is pursuing, the contestants have been open and honest with each other at every turn. They’ve taken the Temptation Island process seriously. Mark L. Walberg, the host of the series, popped in toward the end of the episode to shake things up. He invited the coupled up contestants to private bonfires, where things got juicy.

10 Paris’s Date With Kristian Had Her Questioning Her Relationship

Paris Pedro and Great Ezihie Temptation Island looking shocked

As the episode opened, the women were seen discussing their recent dates in their villa. Paris, who’d been on a date with Kristian Barbarich during Temptation Island season 5 episode 2, explained that her date with Kristian had been wonderful. She’d enjoyed herself, and felt incredibly attracted to Kristian, which left her questioning her relationship with her partner. While the date with Kristian had been an eye-opening experience for Paris, she was interested in seeing if she could make any other connections within the villa, and discussed her options with the other women. The support between the women has clearly helped them to navigate the Temptation Island process.

9 The Coupled Up Contestants Made New Connections

Temptation Island gave a quick run-through of all the new connections being made in the guys’ and girls’ villas. Within the girls’ villa, Paris mustered up the confidence to ask Tahjicc out, in order to see if there was chemistry between them. Marisela Figueroa, who came to the series in a relationship with Christopher Wells, asked Sebastian Baraza on her next date. In the guys’ villa, Rob asked Tia Hairston, even though his eyes seemed to be lingering elsewhere. Meanwhile, Great asked Tamie Lawson out, even though he’s been interested in Nafeesah Terry. Hall also asked Makayla out on their second date, making it clear he’s serious about her.

8 Nafeesah Felt Great Was Playing Games

Temptation Island Nafessah Tery wearing blue outfit posing by ocean

Nafeesah has expressed interest in Great since the first episode of Temptation Island season 5, and it seemed like the pair were building a connection after their last date. While Great has been interested in more than one woman throughout his time on the series, it seems like Nafeesah caught his eye more than others. When she learned that he asked Tamie out on his next date, Nafeesah made it clear that she was confused about Great’s intentions. She told him that she felt like he was playing games, then expressed in a confessional that she wasn’t going to wait for him to come to her.

7 Hall And Makayla Got Closer On A Second Date

Hall Toledano Makayla Halstead Temptation Island season 5

During Hall and Makayla’s second date, things got serious when Hall asked Makayla about her future plans. Though Hall is engaged to Kaitlin Tufts, it’s clear that he’s already felt swayed by the allure of Temptation Island and Makayla, respectively. In the past, Hall separated from Kaitlin in order to pursue other relationships, so it’s not surprising to see him moving into a new relationship. During their time together, Hall and Makayla talked about children, and their desire to have them in the future. Makayla got emotional, sharing with Hall that she felt ready to settle down in her life, and have a family.

6 The Guys Villa Stripped Down For A Party

Rob Maldonado Desiree Almeida Temptation Island Season 5

During a night of spicy parties at the villas, the guys’ party got a bit wilder than the girls’. The guys’ party offered a stripped down event, where both the guys and single girls were in as little clothing as possible, dancing and drinking together. During the party, it was clear which connections were staying strong. Hall and Makayla were only interested in each other, while Great was vacillating between Tamie and Nafeesah. Christopher, who hasn’t really shown much interest in the women before, was shown with Abby Bryan, and the two seemed to be getting along well.

5 Rob Decided He Was More Interested In Desiree Than Tia

Temptation Island Roberto Maldonado making a face with costars

Though Rob had chosen to ask Tia out on a date earlier in the episode, after connecting with Desiree, he decided that he was more interested in getting to know her. Though he nearly made a move, Desiree rebuffed him, and said that because Tia was one of her closest friends in the house, that Rob had to let Tia know he wasn’t interested anymore, before they went any further. Rob uncomfortably called Tia over to the conversation, and tried to speak to her in front of Desiree, but the two were eventually left alone to sort things out. Rob made it clear that he was only there for Desiree.

4 Hall Expressed His Doubts For His Future With Kaitlin

Kaitlin Tufts and Hall Toledano Temptation Island looking at each other dark background

During a moment alone with the guys, which was followed by some time alone with Makayla, Hall talked about the doubts he was beginning to feel for his fiance, Kaitlin. While Hall and Kaitlin came to Temptation Island in order to understand Kaitlin’s doubts about moving forward in their relationship, Hall made it clear that he was feeling uneasy after meeting Makayla, and getting to know her. He said that while he knows Kaitlin wants children, he believes she wants them for him, rather than for herself.

Seeing Makayla speak so freely about having kids made him doubt his relationship with Kaitlin. According to Hall, he “knew this would happen” when they opened themselves up to this situation, which is why he, “didn’t want to do this” in the first place. Hall explained that though he understands Kaitlin’s reservations, he wasn’t feeling certain about their future in the way he was just days prior.

3 The First Bonfires Were Nerve-Wracking

Temptation Island host Mark interrupted the morning in the girls’ villa in order to let the women know that they’d be having their first bonfire of the season later on, and gave them the opportunity to get ready. The series offers the opportunity for the guys and girls to participate in bonfires separately. At the bonfires, Mark shows each person a clip package of what’s going on with their partner in the other villa. They are then able to assess their own feelings, and speak about how they wish to proceed on Temptation Island.

2 The Womens’ Bonfire Opened Their Eyes

Paris Pedro Temptation Island Season 5 crying on dark night outside

The womens’ bonfire was shocking, leading to some of the most emotional moments of the season thus far. First, Kaitlin saw Hall discussing his doubts with the guys, and then with Makayla. She’d previously seen Hall asking Makayla on a date, so seeing her in another moment was concerning. She didn’t seem too phased by Hall’s doubts, and said she was happy to see him opening up. Next, Paris saw a cut of Great saying that he didn’t want to focus on her or their relationship, along with other women dancing on him. She broke down quickly, explaining that Great doesn’t make her feel safe or secure within their relationship.

Next, Vanessa Valente was shown footage of Rob during his breakdown from the previous episode, along with him saying he wasn’t sure he’d be leaving Temptation Island with her. Vanessa, who is quick to anger in the first place, was hurt by Rob’s words, and immediately withdrew. She didn’t want to discuss what she’d seen, but did share that she was angry about it. Finally, Marisela saw a clip of Chris and Abby dancing, along with him complimenting her. Marisela shared that if Chris can find something “better” than her, he should take it. Mark pushed her to discuss this further, and Marisela explained she, “isn’t who [she] want[s] to be.”

1 The Mens’ Bonfire Left Off On A Huge Cliff Hanger

Mark L Walberg from Temptation Island looking up wearing white shirt with print at bonfire

After the drama of the womens’ bonfire, the guys’ event was off to a better start, when Chris saw a clip package of Marisela. He was shown footage of Marisela crying in an interview segment, saying that she was finally alone, and getting some time to herself. Marisela shared that she was terrified to disappoint the people who loved her, and Chris said he was happy to see her being open about her feelings.

Next, Great was shown footage of Paris that shocked him to his core. Paris was shown getting a lap dance, and then saying she would have given into temptation, “if there were no cameras around” during her date with Kristian. Though everyone was floored, Great’s true reaction won’t be seen until the next Temptation Island installment.

Sources: TemptationTV/Instagram, TemptationTV/Instagram

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