
Heavenly Delusion Anime Ending Explained – TheFantasyTimes

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By Nikita Gambhir

Heavenly Delusion Anime Ending Explained

Heavenly Delusion anime has emerged as a surprising success in the spring 2023 season. What initially appeared to be a simple journey turned into a complex psychological puzzle, with hidden clues scattered throughout every frame. The final episode left viewers stunned and filled with more questions than answers. RELATED: Top Anime Similar to Heavenly Delusion (Tengoku Daimakyo) Many moments in the series were left open to interpretation, leaving fans puzzled about the conclusion. By the end, all the enigmatic pieces had come together, revealing the truth about the origins of Hiruko, the man-eating monsters that plagued post-apocalyptic Japan. With that in mind, here is an in-depth analysis of the anime finale of Tengoku Daimakyo!

The Collapse of Takahara Academy
In episode 12, as Takahara Academy crumbled, Dr. Sakota whispered, “Is this the Spear of Heaven the Director spoke of?” This takes us back to episode 11, where Sakota and Kaminaka Shino, the director, had a brief conversation. Shino mentioned her desire to witness the blooming of heaven with her own eyes, while a painting behind her depicted a male and female figure dropping a spear through the clouds. This painting symbolizes an apocalyptic event and sheds light on the reason behind the school’s collapse.

The Director’s Ultimate Goal
The Director frequently mentions “Heaven” and aims to establish a new world order with genetically enhanced humans who can survive in a post-apocalyptic world. From the beginning, we noticed several babies at Takahara Academy exhibiting traits of man-eaters/Hiruko. It becomes evident that the academy has been conducting experiments on these superhuman babies, despite the undesirable side effects. The “Spear of Heaven” event presents the perfect opportunity for the Director to seize control. The descending spear represents a meteorite predicted to crash into Earth by the school’s supercomputer, Mina. However, in episode 12, the director declares that the academy is under attack. Her plan has put the academy at odds with the current government, leading to a military assault. In response, Takahara Academy has prepared artificial combatants armed with super-beam guns to defend their vision of the future.

The Mystery of the Two Babies
The Director desired to live long enough to witness the blossoming of Heaven. However, her age did not align with her grand ambitions. To solve this problem, she asked Sakota to prepare Kona and Tokio’s baby as a vessel for her consciousness. Sakota opposed this idea. RELATED: Heavenly Delusion: Who Is Maru’s Doppelgänger? To fulfill her condition, Sakota created a clone of the baby, keeping the original one safe. However, an unforeseen event caused him to misplace the babies, leading to confusion between the real baby and the clone. Consequently, the true identity of Tokio’s child remains a mystery at the end of the story.

Robin’s True Motives
One particular scene took us by surprise when Robin suddenly handcuffed Kiruko and assaulted her. The manga has not provided an explanation for this yet, leaving us wondering about his motives. It becomes clear that Robin is more than just someone to Kiruko’s sister. In episode 12, when Kiruko yells at him to acknowledge her, Robin sees a flashback of her sister. However, after his actions towards Kiruko, it is difficult to see him as anything but a repulsive individual. His true nature is further revealed when evidence of his sinister activities in the Ibaraki facility is discovered, including gruesome surgical experiments on humans with man-eaters. The lingering questions surrounding Robin suggest that there is more to his character that we will learn about in the future.

Post-Credit Scene: The Origin of Man-Eating Monsters
Sakota and Aoshima devised a plan to free the children under the guise of a test. This plan seems to have succeeded, as in the post-credit scene, we see Mimihime, Taka, Shiro, and Anzu on a boat heading towards a dazzling city filled with skyscrapers. What does this moment signify? Firstly, the events at Takahara Academy took place in the past and unfolded simultaneously with Maru and Kiruko’s story. Maru and Kiruko’s post-apocalyptic world does not contain any dazzling cities. This is supported by Juichiro taking Maru to the now-closed school, where remnants of the school’s logo (the bird-like pattern) can still be seen. The futures of Mimihime and Shiro have also been explored in the “Immortal Order” episode, revealing that Dr. Usami is actually Shiro. RELATED: Heavenly Delusion: Who Is Dr. Usami Furthermore, Usami mentioned that his lover might transform into a monster and expressed gratitude to Maru for allowing her to die as a human. All of this suggests that the children who escaped from Takahara Academy are the man-eaters (Hiruko) that Maru and Kiruko encountered on their journey. This also explains why Kona’s drawings resembled the man-eaters that Maru and Kiruko fought against.

What Lies Ahead for Maru and Kiruko?
When Kiruko tears up Robin’s photo, Maru makes a heartfelt confession to her. He declares that he is not in love with Kiriko (her sister) or Haruki Takehaya (her former self), but with the “Kiruko” standing right in front of him. This declaration is exactly what Kiruko needed to hear. Throughout the story, she has struggled with her emotions and relied on Robin, who made her feel like she belonged. Maru’s words provide the encouragement and reassurance she has been seeking, allowing her to finally move forward. The story not only presents an exciting and mind-bending narrative but also serves as a reminder that personal growth is often a complex and challenging process. Both Maru and Kiruko have faced numerous obstacles and discovered hidden aspects of themselves along the way. By confronting their pasts and embracing their true selves, they are able to come to terms with their emotions and evolve as individuals.

Unresolved Mysteries
Dr. Sawatari’s whereabouts: Kiruko still has many questions for Dr. Sawatari, such as why he transplanted her brain into her sister’s body. However, our primary curiosity lies in the sound of a gunshot in Episode 2, immediately after Kiriko embraces Haruki, who is severely injured by a Man-eater’s attack. Robin, who may have had feelings for her, could be responsible for shooting Kiriko. Why did Mikura ask Kiruko to take Maru to Heaven?: This question remains unanswered in the manga as well. It is a perplexing request, considering that Heaven should not exist after the chaos in the world and the collapse of Takahara Academy. What happened to the twin baby? Several clues suggest that Maru is Kona and Tokio’s child since he also possesses Hiruko powers, such as his signature “Maru Touch.” Additionally, both Tokio and Maru bear a striking resemblance. Mikura also asked Kiruko to find Maru’s doppelgänger. However, it is still uncertain if Maru is the real baby. The fate of Kona and Tokio: We know that Sakota gave one of the babies to Kona and Tokio, but the future of both characters and the other twin remains unknown in the ending of the Heavenly Delusion anime. This mystery could add a surprising twist to future installments. What happened to the Director?: The last we see of the Director is her being attacked by Tokio’s defensive tentacles in Episode 13. The anime concludes without revealing whether she successfully transferred her consciousness into another vessel. NEXT: Insomniacs After School: Does Magari Die?

Heavenly Delusion anime is the dark horse hit of the spring 2023 season. What started as a journey to reach a certain location morphed into a psychological puzzle with clues scattered in every frame. The finale left most of us viewers left stunned with more questions than answers.


RELATED: Best Anime Like Heavenly Delusion (Tengoku Daimakyo)

Many moments were totally left up to interpretation, leaving fans confounded about the ending. And by the end, all the cryptic dots had connected to reveal the truth about Hiruko’s (man-eater) origins that terrorized post-apocalyptic Japan. Thus, here is a fair analysis of Tengoku Daimakyou’s anime ending!

Takahara Academy Collapases

What’s Spear Of Heaven?

Takahara Academy under attack in Heavenly Delusion (Tengoku Daimakyo)

In episode 12, as Takahara Academy was falling apart, we caught Dr. Sakota murmuring, ‘Is this the Spear of Heaven the Director spoke of?’ This takes us back to episode 11, where Sakota and Kaminaka Shino, the director, had a brief chat.

Shino mentioned wanting to witness heaven blossom with her own eyes, while a portrait hung behind her featured a male and female character dropping a spear through the clouds. This potentially represents a depiction of an apocalyptic event and accurately highlights the reason behind the school’s collapse.

What Was The Director’s End Goal?

Kaminaka Shino with a portrait of Spear of Heaven event

The Director frequently mentions “Heaven,” seeking to establish a new world order with enhanced humans who can survive in a post-apocalyptic world. From the very start, we’ve noticed numerous babies at Takahara Academy exhibiting man-eating/Hiruko traits.

It’s clear that the academy has been experimenting with superhuman babies, despite the undesirable side effects. The “Spear of Heaven” event provides the perfect opportunity for the Director to take control. The spear descending from heaven is actually a metaphor for a meteorite crashing into Earthan event predicted by the school’s supercomputer, Mina.

However, in episode 12, the director announces that their school is under attack. Evidently, her plan puts the academy at odds with the current government, leading to a military attack on the school. In response, Takahara Academy has prepared artificial combatants equipped with super-beam guns to defend their vision of the future.

Why Were There Two Babies?

Heavenly Delusion (Tengoku Daimakyo) Sakota, and Aoshima holding twin brothers Maru and Yamato

The Director had a desire to live long enough to witness Heaven “blossom.” Though, her age didn’t align with her grand ambitions. As a solution, she asked Sakota to prepare Kona and Tokio’s baby as a vessel for her to inhabit. Sakota was against this.

RELATED: Heavenly Delusion: Who Is Maru’s Look-alike?

To still fulfill her condition, Sakota created a clone of the baby, keeping the original one safe. However, an unexpected event caused him to misplace the babies, creating confusion between the real one and the clone. Consequently, the true identity of Tokio’s child remains a mystery by the end of the story.

Robin’s Real Motives

Heavenly Delusion (Tengoku Daimakyo) Robin meets Kiruko with shock

One scene that caught us off guard was when Robin suddenly handcuffed Kiruko and threw her onto the bed, then sexually assaulted her. The manga hasn’t provided an explanation for this yet, so we’re left wondering why it happened. It’s clear that Robin was certainly more than someone to Kiruko’s sister. In episode 12, when Kiruko first shouts at him to look her way, Robin sees in her a flashback of her sister.

However, after what he did to Kiruko, it’s hard not to see him as a disgusting man. His true colors were further visible when he left behind evidence of evil activities in the Ibaraki facility, including a gruesome surgical experiment of humans with man-eaters. The lingering questions surrounding Robin suggest that we’ll learn more about his character in the future.

Post-Credit Scene: Origin Of Man-Eating Monsters

Heavenly Delusion anime episode 13 post credit scene

Sakota and Aoshima devised a plan to free the children under the guise of a test. This seems to have worked as in the post-credit scene; we see Mimihime, Taka, Shiro, and Anzu on a boat heading towards a dazzling city filled with skyscrapers. So, what’s the significance of this moment? Firstly, the events at Takahara Academy occurred in the past and unfolded simultaneously with Maru and Kiruko’s story.

There are no dazzling cities in Maru and Kiruko’s post-apocalyptic world. This is further supported by Juichiro taking Maru to the now-closed school, where signs of the school’s logo (the bird-like pattern) are still visible. Mimihime and Shiro’s future have also been explored in the episode of “Immortal Order,” where it’s revealed that Dr. Usami is actually Shiro.

RELATED: Heavenly Delusion: Who Is Dr. Usami

Furthermore, Usami also claimed that his lover might turn into a monster and expressed gratitude to Maru for letting her die as a human. All these essentially mean that the children who escaped from Takahara Academy are the man-eaters (Hiruko) that Maru and Kiruko had been confronting on their journey. This also clarifies why Kona’s drawings matched the man-eaters that Maru and Kiruko battled.

What’s Next For Maru And Kiruko?

Heavenly Delusion (Tengoku Daimakyo) Kiruko tearing Robin's picture to pieces

When Kiruko rips up Robin’s photo, Maru makes a heartfelt proposal to her. He professes that he’s not in love with Kiriko (her sister) or Haruki Takehaya (her former self) but with the “Kiruko” standing right in front of him. This declaration is precisely what Kiruko needed to hear. Throughout the story, she’s been grappling with her emotions and clinging to Robin, who makes her feel like she has a place to belong.

Maru’s words provide the encouragement and reassurance she’s been seeking, allowing her to finally move forward. The story not only offers an exciting and mind-bending narrative but also serves as a reminder that personal growth is often a complex and difficult process. Both Maru and Kiruko have faced numerous challenges and uncovered hidden aspects of themselves along the way. By confronting their pasts and embracing their true selves, they’re able to come to terms with their feelings and grow as individuals.

Unresolved Mysteries

Heavenly Delusion mysteries of Mikura, and Sawatari

  • Dr. Sawatari’s whereabouts: Sawatari still has many questions to answer for Kiruko, such as why he transplanted her brain into her sister’s body. However, our main curiosity lies in the gunshot sound in Episode 2, right after Kiriko hugs Haruki when he’s severely injured by the Man-eater’s attack. Robin, who might have had feelings for her, could have been responsible for shooting Kiriko.
  • Why did Mikura ask Kiruko to take Maru to Heaven?: This question remains unanswered in the manga as well. It’s a puzzling request, considering Heaven shouldn’t exist after the world’s chaos and the collapse of Takahara Academy.
  • What happened to the twin baby? Several hints suggest that Maru is Kona and Tokio’s child, as he also possesses Hiruko powers – his signature ‘Maru Touch.’ And no doubt, both Tokio, and Maru look like carbon copies. Mikura also asked Kiruko to find his lookalike. However, it’s still unclear if Maru’s the real baby.
  • Kona and Tokio’s fate: We know Sakota handed one of the babies to Tokio and Kona, but the future whereabouts of both characters and the other twin hasn’t been revealed in the Heavenly Delusion anime ending. This mystery could be presented as a plot twist in the next installments.
  • What happened to the Director?: The last update we have on the Director is her being attacked by Tokio’s defensive tentacles in Episode 13. The anime concluded without showing whether she successfully transferred her consciousness into a vessel.

NEXT: Insomniacs After School: Does Magari Die?

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